APRIL SCHEDULE, EN PLEIN AIRE- 8am - pau, no membership, free
1 st- WAI'ULI BEACH PARK (a.k.a.Lele'iwi) Keaukaha, Every first Thursday is at this same beautiful spot. Many views; colorful tide pools, sea grass, various shoreline trees, across the bay vistas, forever sky, sea turtles, Nene, whales, Hawaii at it's best. Cool swimming if you're so inclined. An informal-not-so-mandatory-midday-critique @ noon-ish. Bring your work, (in progress or fresh) for lively feedback. Kalaniana'ole Ave. thru Keaukaha, makai side, 5 pavilions in a row, parking, & lua. Just before Richardson's. Painters set up in various locations thru out.
8 th- WAILOA ART CENTER, Wailoa Park, Hilo/Merrie Monarch week. For 3 years now our group has taken the opportunity to participate in the Annual Merrie Monarch festivities en plein aire style. We set up at or near the Wailoa Art Center. The sheltered courtyard can be a nice spot, especially if it's raining. The Hawaiian Quilt Show is hanging in the main Gallery. This may encourage foot traffic, so keep that in mind. Lovely expanses of lawn, languid waterways, shady trees, arched bridges, all gently framed by mountain & ocean. Gallery director Codie King graciously allows use of the restrooms. From Kamehameha Ave head mauka on Pauahi Street one block, turn left onto the Piopio Street park entrance, head to the round 2 storey bldg. Signs on Pauahi St., plenty parking & shade.
15th- SADDLE ROAD- Kilohana Hunter’s check-in station, btwn the 43& 44 mile markers. A bit of a long drive from Hilo, but very worth it. Carpooling is recommended. GLORIOUS in the brisk spring air, sweeping views of the three beauties Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa and Hualalai. Wildflowers, & extraordinary atmosphere. Saddle Rd to the Kilohana station near the 43.5 mile marker (from Hilo). It's clearly marked. Turn mauka onto the dirt road. Painters will be up the road, we could be tucked, keep your eyes open. I think cells work, (Amy-989-6906) Saddle Rd is newly paved & smooth from Hilo. The dirt road is minors (no 4 WD needed). Portable lua, not well tended (a little rough).
22nd-KING'S LANDING/LEHIA/PU'UMAILE - Different names for the same spot. A quiet location, off the usual track. The furthest out of the Hilo beach parks, at the end of Kalaniana'ole, proceed past Richardson's & through the open gates, down the dirt road, we'll be towards the end, ocean-side. Not far. Many pathways, tidepools, unobstructed Hilo Bay views, & lively surf. Monk seals & pua'a have visited us in the past. This spot is a crowd favorite. Easy set up in the shade of the ironwood trees. Ample parking, portable lua
29th- THE ISLE'S – Makai of Liliuokalani Park, behind Nihon Japanese Restaurant. Great views across the bay to town, the canoe landing, bay shoreline, and Hamakua. If we're lucky Mauna Kea will be out flaunting her stuff. Nice lawns, tide pools, boaters, fisherpeople. Easy parking, picnic tables under the trees. Lua avail. From Kamehameha Ave., turn makai on Lihiwai Street (towards Suisan), pass by Suisan, pass Banyan Drive, the road stops to become one way, turn makai into the parking area.
EHCC - Annual Juried Spring Arts Show/ Opens Friday April 2nd. Reception at 5:30, check it out! To check out the happenings at Hilo's EHCC, ph. 961-5711 or www.ehcc.org
AHALANUI WARM POND/ART DAY- Every Friday @ 9 am. For 15 yrs, painters, friends, & artists gather for a day of painting & aloha. Ahalanui Warm Ponds just off the Red Road lower Puna, just between Pohoiki & Kapoho.
PLEIN AIR MONDAYS- w/Jerome Sasaki/another day to paint on windward big island, Hilo locations are determined by Jerome. Uninstructed..call Jerome for info. 8960107
FIGURE DRAWING@ EHCC- Hilo/tues 6-9pm, $10.00, uninstructed:
Bob Weiss 217-9791 or email scrimdog@hawaii.rr.com
MODELS NEEDED- figure models needed for tues. group @ EHCC contact Bob Weiss, 217-9791 or scrimdog@hawaii.rr.com
WEST HAWAII PLEIN AIR PAINTERS- S. Kona, Kailua, N. Kohala, Waimea- Richard Rochkovsky for schedule; email art@the-architect.us
FIGURE DRAWING w/ ROSE BARBER- Contact Rose for info about fig. wrkshps at her HPP Muse Studio ph. 430-8552, or email themusestudio@gmail.com
KOHALA PLEIN AIR PAINTERS-- Bob Appleman 345-4034 or Susan 889-0993, or email kohalapleinairpainters@gmail.com
WATER COLOR w/ VINCE CALLAGHER- Keaukaha beach house w/ocean view, all aspects of watercolor: mixing, brush control,washes, beginning & advanced techniques. Private lessons available. Mondays 1- 3:30 Vince 557-1270 or email vince.callagher@gmail.com
SILK PAINTING w/PATTI PEASE JOHNSON - HPP studio, max. 3 studts/ various styles, tools & materials. $46 inclds supplies. Ongoing. ph. 966-8861 or email pattij3@hawaiiantel.net
WATERCOLOR CLASSES w/ DIANE RENCHLER - Four 4-hour classes in April at Toulouce Gallery in Onomea Bay. Saturdays, 11am – 3pm, $100. Call or e-mail diane_renchler@mac.com or 964-3507, cell 936-0915, for more info.
GOURD WORKSHOP with DIANE RENCHLER - Learn Hawaiian style ipu (gourd) dyeing & decorating at Toulouce Gallery in Onomea Bay in April, price/date not yet determined. Call or e-mail diane_renchler@mac.com or 964-3507, cell 936-0915, for more info.
INTRO TO PASTELS w/ Karen Alexander - Through Waimea Community Education in Waimea, starting March 30th. http://www.waimeaeducation.com/classes/?c=art
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