Friday, October 31, 2008

Waipio Valley Plein Air Session

Waipio Valley Walls 9am
An up valley view-

About 9am.
We had all just finished painting
up top & were just setting up
river-side when I captured
this image.
David Hubbard working a big canvas

Leslie Sears getting busy in the valley. Check out the reflection on the river. It was a gorgeous day that gifted us with color, light and beauty..

Monday, October 27, 2008

November Plein Air Schedule/PAAOHI

Aloha November! A time of beautiful crisp nights, soft stormy days,
and unexpected splashes of warm sunshine! The first snow of the season
greeted us yesterday. Mauna Kea proudly glowed in the most fantastic
note of French Ultra Marine, with a dash of magic. It's not often that
we have snow before Halloween! November has so much happening! The
statewide plein air group PAPOH is visiting for a 4 day paint out,
there's Black and White night in downtown Hilo, and both Wailoa and
EHCC are opening great shows! And then there's Thanksgiving. What a
concept- make a beautiful feast and share it with others! As far as
painting goes- paint day is always Thursday, and Thursday's always
Thanksgiving, so there it is! Last year Gerald and I painted at the
bottom of Haili Street in the pouring rain. I'm talking cats and dogs!
Gerald busted out a wonderful painting of an empty-streeted-rain-soaked
Hilo town, all the while muttering about something about ambiance. We
were pau at noon, with plenty time to bustle off to our respective
pa'ina. This year the same spot is re-scheduled. November also marks
our 2 year anniversary as PAAOHI! Wuhuu!! We'll celebrate on the first
Thursday at Wai'uli (11/06). Besides painting, there'll be potluck,
laughing and good cheer! PAPOH will be on island so they'll join us for
the day. Check the "Other Musings" section below for more info. about
the PAPOH events.
***Special Note of Interest- On Friday the Oct.24th, 2 0f Gerald's 3
missing paintings were returned to him. They were left near the mailbox
at the front of his hut in a black plastic bag very early in the
morning. The bag contained his missing nudes, the pomegranate still
life remains at large. Gerald is very grateful.

CALENDAR- 8am til pau, every Thursday, no fees, no critique, bring your own kaukau
NOV. 6-WAI'ULI- formerly known as Leleiwi Beach Park. At Keaukaha,
almost to the end of Kalaniana'ole Road, makai side (just before
Richardson's Beach Park) is our spot. Marked by 5 round pavilions in a
row, orange life guard tower on the point, large parking area, & public
lua. Always quietly impressive, gentle and full of promise. We'll be
doing a little celebrating, painting, pot-lucking, and perhaps a bit of
spirits!! Last month we stayed until after sunset for no particular
reason. Visiting PAPOH artists (on island for a 4 day paint out &
opening of the PAPOH Wailoa show) will be joining us at Wai'uli for the
NOV. 13-HILO YACHT CLUB- From Hilo, Kalaniana'ole Ave. to Kamokuna
Street turn left, then right on Laehala Road. Turn left into the gated
Hilo Yacht Club parking area. Please park at the rear of the lot. We
are day guests of this private club so please keep in mind that the
facility is for members only. As day guests we aren't able to order
food or booze, use the pool area, tennis courts or the dining lanai
areas. Our permitted areas are along the shoreline & near the garden
areas only- with use of the locker room lua. This location has many
beautiful views and is quite unique. Bob Weiss has an impressive show
hanging in the front lobby, be sure to take a peek..
NOV.20-ALA HEIAU MAKU'U- From Hilo take Hwy11 to Hwy130 (Kea'au by
pass) turn left, drive towards Pahoa,'til you come to Maku'u (on the
makai side) turn left. Drive all the way to the bottom of the road,
turn right onto the bottom most road, Ala Heiau. Drive to the end of
the road, park to the side, be aware to not block fishermen from
driving their trucks through..... Simple, shady, and stunning.
NOV 27-THANKSGIVING!! Bottom of Haili Street, bus depot parking lot.
Why waste a perfectly good Thursday? Last year it was very cool, with
empty streets & a mellow vibe that subtly translated into the
paintings. No mid town bustle, no townspeople hurrying about, just
sweet calm downtown. So slap your bird in the imu, grab your kit, and
head on down to the bottom of Haili street for a holiday "quick
draw"..(paint)...........Happy Thanksgiving!!

*Nov.4-7th-PAPOH PAINT OUT & EXHIBITION- Plein air artists visiting
from thru-out the islands & mainland will be in Hilo for a 4 day paint
out that'll culminate with the opening of the PAPOH Exhibition at the
Wailoa Art Center (11/07). The paint out schedule will be posted on our
blog. I'm also sending out a special e-mail including all the details,
you should've already received it.
*Nov.7th/5pm-pau/Black and White Night in Hilo! Downtown swings with
open shops, food and music in the streets, dual art openings (Wailoa
PAPOH show, EHCC Fall Arts Festival) & remember to wear your Blk&Wht.
Exhibit-Intake is Saturday Nov. 1st, 8am-Noon/Opening Nov. 7th. Black &
White night. EHCC is really busting it down, with an "after hours"
event upstairs featuring a live swing jazz band for dancing & good fun.
Call EHCC office 961-5711 for details.
*HOLIDAY AND FINE ARTS FAIR/EHCC- Nov. 29th (Saturday) 7th Annual-
contact EHCC for booth information 961-5711.
*EHCC JURIED MEMBERS EXHIBITION- Intake Sunday Nov. 30th 8-noon.
Exhibit opens December 5th. Please call EHCC for more info. 9615711.
*FIGURE DRAWING-EHCC- every tuesday 6-9pm, 10.00, uninstructed, in the
annex, Bob Weiss 217-9791 or to sign onto the email list
*WEST HAWAII PLEIN AIR PAINTERS- wanna paint in Kona? Try (Richard Rochkovsky) to subscribe to their free
schedule. South Kona to North Kohala, and Waimea. Check out their show
at the Parker Ranch Historic Homes, now extended thru Dec. Inside the
Big Yellow House. Great show, & wonderful gallery on a magnificent
ranch. Worth the drive...Gallery-885 5433
*STUDY WATER COLOR with VINCE CALLAGHER- At Keaukaha beach house w/
ocean view. Beginning to Advanced/ All aspects of watercolor including:
color mixing, brush control, washes, and advanced techniques. Private
lessons also offered. Tuesday 1-3:30/Vince 557-1270 or

with fondest aloha, Amy

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Great News-Odd Occurence

Miracles do occur & we've all witnessed a few. Well, here's another one.... 2 of Gerald Murai's 3 missing paintings were returned to him on Friday morning!! Yeah! Gerald is one very happy artist, truly jubilant actually. How they were returned is the oddest. As Gerald was driving away from his house early in the morn when he noticed a black plastic bag sitting by his mailbox. He stopped to check it out & inside was his missing nudes!!! He called me immediately.. he was very excited!! I share in Gerald's happiness, but it is a little disturbing that whoever had the art, knows Gerald well enough to know where his hut is. Guess that same someone had a moment of clarity, thoughts of karma, fright of bocchi.. or something li dat---whatevers it was, the paintings ended up back where they belong.... Gerald is so relieved to have his paintings again, and that's the best. Well, now only the pomegrante still life remains on the loose.......

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

PAPOH/Paint Out Schedule

November 4-7, 2008
Plein Air Painters of Hawaii
(PAPOH) welcomes not only it's
members, but all interested plein air artists to join in!

Tuesday 11/4-Moku Ola, or as it is affectionally known "Coconut Island" From the Hilo Airport.. go to Hwy. 11 turn right. At the first intersection turn left (Hwy 19) proceed to the next intersection, turn right onto Lihiwai Street. Follow a short distance, turn right at Banyan Drive. This is a divided road that curves around between a park and a golf coarse. Next you should turn left at Lihiwai Street (because its a one way you have to loop around). (just before Hilo Hawaiian Hotel) Turn at the next corner right, there'll be a sign that says Moku Ola. You will come to a big shaded parking area. There's a walking bridge to the island. The area is surrounded by lots of wonderful painting spots. There's shade, bathrooms, and nearby food.
Wednesday 11/5-Puna's Red Road- 17 mile marker.. From Hilo take Hwy 11 to Hwy 130, turn left. Drive all the way past Pahoa town, no need to turn into Pahoa town just keep on the By-Pass. You'll come to an intersection- proceed straight (stay on 130) The road will eventually wind down to a place where you can go straight or turn left (the signs says Kapoho/Kaimu). Bear to your left. (If you make a mistake and go straight the road ends pretty quickly, this is where the lava took the road. You can easily turn around to correct). Anyhow, go to the bottom of the road and turn left onto hwy. 137. Drive to the 17-mile marker. It is about 15 min. There's no cell coverage in this area. You'll see the group, we'll be located at an area where the road was moved due to erosion. Beautiful views of rugged coast and the volcanic vent.
Thursday 11/6- Wai'uli Beach Park- In Hilo. Follow Kalainana'ole Road to Keaukaha beach area..Drive down a few miles, on the makai side you'll see Wai'uli Beach Park. It is distinguished by 5 round pavilions in a row, an orange life guard tower on the point, large parking area, yellow public bathroom. This area has many ponds, great ocean action, the various homes, life guard towers, and Mauna Kea across the bay. Very stunning.
Friday 11/07- Ala Heiau- from Hilo, Take Hwy 11 to Hwy 130, turn left. Proceed down about 5 miles to Maku'u Road. Turn left, drive down to the bottom of Maku'u and turn right on Ala Heiau Road. It is the bottom most road. Drive just a short distance and the road ends. This is the spot.
Friday Night 11/07- Opening at Wailoa PAPOH's 3rd Annual Juried Member's Show- It has been decided that along with the Annual Juried Show, there'll also be a "wet" show of works created at the week's paint out. Open to members and non-members alike, $10.00 entry fee. Must be Gallery Ready.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Kanikapila at EHCC in September
Aloha October! I'm deeply inspired by October's graceful transitions of time and weather. The subtle sway from languid sun filled days to shorter days of cool tropical storms happens so quietly, it's almost unnoticed. A rainy day contains the possibility of sudden and gorgeously unpredictable sunshine, or a blissfully sunny day can swiftly change with the passing of a random storm. The unexpectedness of this weather invigorates and adds drama to a painter's world. My trip through the redwood forests of Northern California was incredible! A beautiful journey that fully immersed all of my senses. The scent of that forest will forever be in my mind. The incredible sound of the leaves moving in the upper canopy reminded me of a soft rainfall, a beautiful sort of quiet. As I stood barefoot on the soft soft forest floor looking upward, I was profoundly touched by the significance and greatness of their immense beauty. Redwood trees are big fans of a crisp sea breeze. Perhaps that's the reason for their great size, they gotta stretch up so very high so the fresh ocean air can gently move their lush branches about. I can relate.

CALENDAR-8am til pau, every Thursday, no fees, no critique, bring your own kaukau
Wai'uli Beach Park- (Keaukaha)- Kalaniana'ole road just before Richardson's Beach Park, makai side, look for the 5 round pavilions in a row, cad. orange life guard tower on the point. Great parking, lua, and coverage...plenty views and swimming too!
Kolekole Beach Park- On the Hamakua just past the Honomu turnoff, just up the Hwy. will be the Kolekole turnoff. Drive down the valley road, we'll be at the beach park. Lots of views, river, ocean, big crazy bridge, coconut trees and a small waterfall. Covered pavilion, and lua too. Bird Park- (Volcano) From Hilo, Volcano Hwy- pass the National Park entrance, pass the Golf Coarse entrance, Bird Park is the next road mauka side, it's Mauna Loa Scenic Road. There'll be a sign on the Hwy that says Bird Park. Turn mauka, and follow up to the park. It is lovely and soothing, with a winding path, and huge trees. Dappled light, little side trails to interesting views. If you're quiet you can even hear the birds too.....
Amau'ulu- Paul Mitchell Estate-Take Amau'ulu road up straight. At the stop sign proceed straight about another mile or so, tucked on your right you will see large green metal work gates (with big red Hibiscus), they'll be open. This is a gravely road, but no worries, drive slowly. Go just past the Bali-style house on your left, and you'll see parking on the right side marked with a cone.. park there..30 acres of orchard, river waterfall, view of Hilo...
Waipio Valley Lookout-We'll meet at the lookout. If you get there and no one's about, we probably already went down valley. We'll be by the River..STUPENDOUS.
*WAILOA INTAKE-PAPOH ANNUAL STATEWIDE PLEIN AIR SHOW-10/1 drop off at Wailoa Center. I've gone over 3 separate notices, but no drop off time is specified. I recommend a call.. and here's an interesting side note- digital submissions are accepted until 10/3 (don't be confused!!) This show is juried by Larry Moore. PAPOH website for specifics, like where to submit the digital images, how to ship your work if it's accepted, the prospectus,etc. Must be a member of PAPOH to enter. Wailoa Center -9330416
*EHCC INTAKE-Hawai'i Craftman's Statewide Juried 41st Annual Exhibition- Intake 10/2 from 9am-1pm. Juror Jan Peters, will talk story at 5pm, pick up unaccepted art after lecture. call for prospectus, ph.9615711
*EHCC INTAKE- 32nd Annual Big Island Fall Arts Festival- Intake 11/1 from 8am-Noon all media, opening 11/7- contact for prospectus, ph.9615711
*FIGURE DRAWING-EHCC- every tuesday 6-9pm, 10.00, uninstructed, in the annex, Bob Weiss 217-9791 or to sign onto the email list
*LAUPAHOEHOE STUDIO- Figure Group, on sabbatical until further notice...
*WEST HAWAII PLEIN AIR PAINTERS- wanna paint in Kona? Try (Richard Rochkovsky) to subscribe to their free schedule. South Kona to North Kohala, and Waimea. Check out their show at the Parker Ranch Historic Homes, till October, inside the Big Yellow House. Great show, & wonderful gallery on a magnificent ranch. Worth the drive...Gallery-885 5433
with aloha, Amy Markham