November 4-7, 2008
Plein Air Painters of Hawaii (PAPOH) welcomes not only it's
members, but all interested plein air artists to join in!
Tuesday 11/4-Moku Ola, or as it is affectionally known "Coconut Island" From the Hilo Airport.. go to Hwy. 11 turn right. At the first intersection turn left (Hwy 19) proceed to the next intersection, turn right onto Lihiwai Street. Follow a short distance, turn right at Banyan Drive. This is a divided road that curves around between a park and a golf coarse. Next you should turn left at Lihiwai Street (because its a one way you have to loop around). (just before Hilo Hawaiian Hotel) Turn at the next corner right, there'll be a sign that says Moku Ola. You will come to a big shaded parking area. There's a walking bridge to the island. The area is surrounded by lots of wonderful painting spots. There's shade, bathrooms, and nearby food.
Wednesday 11/5-Puna's Red Road- 17 mile marker.. From Hilo take Hwy 11 to Hwy 130, turn left. Drive all the way past Pahoa town, no need to turn into Pahoa town just keep on the By-Pass. You'll come to an intersection- proceed straight (stay on 130) The road will eventually wind down to a place where you can go straight or turn left (the signs says Kapoho/Kaimu). Bear to your left. (If you make a mistake and go straight the road ends pretty quickly, this is where the lava took the road. You can easily turn around to correct). Anyhow, go to the bottom of the road and turn left onto hwy. 137. Drive to the 17-mile marker. It is about 15 min. There's no cell coverage in this area. You'll see the group, we'll be located at an area where the road was moved due to erosion. Beautiful views of rugged coast and the volcanic vent.
Thursday 11/6- Wai'uli Beach Park- In Hilo. Follow Kalainana'ole Road to Keaukaha beach area..Drive down a few miles, on the makai side you'll see Wai'uli Beach Park. It is distinguished by 5 round pavilions in a row, an orange life guard tower on the point, large parking area, yellow public bathroom. This area has many ponds, great ocean action, the various homes, life guard towers, and Mauna Kea across the bay. Very stunning.
Friday 11/07- Ala Heiau- from Hilo, Take Hwy 11 to Hwy 130, turn left. Proceed down about 5 miles to Maku'u Road. Turn left, drive down to the bottom of Maku'u and turn right on Ala Heiau Road. It is the bottom most road. Drive just a short distance and the road ends. This is the spot.
Friday Night 11/07- Opening at Wailoa PAPOH's 3rd Annual Juried Member's Show- It has been decided that along with the Annual Juried Show, there'll also be a "wet" show of works created at the week's paint out. Open to members and non-members alike, $10.00 entry fee. Must be Gallery Ready.
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